
Cyber risk doesn’t exist!

KPMG Tauranga Office | 247 Cameron Road - Level 2, Tauranga, Bay of Plenty


12:00-12:15Arrivals & Networking
12:15-12:30Welcome and Cyber Security News Update, Jon Edney [CISSP, CEH,CIPT]
12:30-13:30Cyber risk doesn’t exist!, Gavin Willbond, Principal Information Security Consultant, SSS


We will show why this potentially controversial statement is true, and why organisations should be looking at cyber risk in the same way is all other risk.


Gavin is an experienced cybersecurity professional having worked in various security roles for over 30 years, and specifically in cybersecurity for more than 15 years. Prior to consulting, Gavin had many years’ experience working in, and ultimately leading, the NZ Defence Force’s cybersecurity operations centre, working with other cybersecurity experts worldwide. He has seen how threat actors operate and has implemented controls to successfully prevent unauthorised access to data and systems.

During his broad experience, Gavin has developed messaging that helps non-technical people to understand key technical cybersecurity concepts and he is passionate about supporting people and organisations be protected from threat actors. Information Gavin shares is easily digested by all audiences, and is based on his practical experience.

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